Exterior Painter

As with interior, exterior home Painter service in Adelaide, proper surface preparation is crucial for achieving a long-lasting paint job. A thorough cleaning to remove dirt and mildew is the first step in preparing exterior surfaces.
All loose paint deposits and defective caulking should then be removed. Any rotted boards should be replaced, and all new and bare wood primed. Gaps between adjoining wood, or wood and masonry, should be caulked with a quality caulk or sealant. Hardware and light fixtures that are not to be painted should be removed or properly protected, and all plants should be moved or covered.
Rusty surfaces, such as steel lintels and wrought iron, may require special preparation. All loose rust should be removed, and the surface treated with a rust converter, primed, and then completed with the appropriate topcoats. For all Exterior Painter services in Adelaide contact Top Painters Adelaide SA. We pride ourselves on having the knowledge, expertise and experience for all Painterย services in Adelaide.